Monday, June 7, 2010

Behold Blogger, I have returned!

Well, needless to say that it's been a very long time since I've been able to have the time to sit down and write an actual blog post. At first today I was really thinking about... now what could I talk about, I mean really? There's not too much going on in my life aside from the baby and gaming. But oh wait... that was the title of my blog, right?

So, Mr Darion is doing very well. He is 6 months old now and is getting bigger and cuter every day. He can sit up on his own now, can push most of his tummy off the ground, and is getting this first tooth! There is no joy to describe how being a mother feels like. Everyday that he achieves something there is just this swell of pride that can't ever be diminished by anyone else. He is my little man and I love him.

My big man is doing well as well. Next month it will have been 2 years since I moved here to South Dakota. And while I'm still not all that thrilled with being here I do love our little family. There are times when I wonder what like would have been like had I not moved here, but those thoughts are quickly tossed aside at the thought of my little guy. Everything has been so worth it. We're currently running a Dungeons and Dragons type campaign with a Pathfinder setting. So far it's been fun and perhaps I'll get a chance to blog more about that later. We're also playing Final Fantasy 13. I say "we" because he plays and I watch. I'd love to play but most the time I am with Darion taking care of him or something. So I just watch cause mostly I just love games' storylines.

Work has been excellent and I recently got a promotion to the assistant director of the daycare. I also am driving all of the children that are 5 and older to all their summer recreation activities. So it should prove to be a VERY busy summer. I love my job and all of the kids so it's really the perfect place for me. I do however, plan on going to school to finish my degree so that I can be a teacher. What can I say? I just love kids!

Not too much else to write though, so just a quite update on my life and now I still TRY so hard to actually update this with relevant thoughts and opinions on things now that I am in the mood (and have the time) to start posting again! :D

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad things are going well! :D I love game storylines as well, that was always the reason I played them too. :)


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